Bill O’Herron is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (License #006370) who has been studying, teaching, and counseling for the last 16 years. His work is focused on helping clients better understand the challenges and work involved with being in a mature relationship.

Bill has been married to his exceedingly patient wife Linda for 23 years. They have 3 amazing daughters and 2 dogs Smokey and Panda. After living in Wilton, CT for 15 years, Bill and his family moved to Austin, TX in 2013.

He graduated from Middlebury College, VT in ’86 with a BA in English, and earned a Master of Science degree from Columbia University School of Social Work, NY in ’03.

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  • Bill believes that working on yourself, which will automatically improve the dynamics of your relationship, is the most important thing in life. He writes, “What we do right now in our relationship echoes down through posterity, changes who our grandchildren’s children become.”
  • Bill’s career spans 30+ years in the financial field as a research sales and capital markets executive, having worked in New York, London, Stamford, CT and now Austin, TX. Back in 1997 while living in London, England, after having spent 11 years in the financial field, Bill took a work hiatus and enrolled in a language immersion program in Merida, Venezuela. His goal was to learn Spanish, and to continue studying and researching the customs, ethnology, and psychology of local communities
  • Using this experience of living and working with locals, Bill began developing a basic model for applying universal and holistic approaches to human development and self-awareness. It was simple; slow down and relax the rational, left part of the brain to gain access to the emotional, right side of the brain. The right, feeling-based limbic side of the body and mind hold all the answers to why we feel and behave the way we do
  • In 2002, as part of his Social Work curriculum, Bill became a member of the social services staff at North Haven, CT’s Veterans Hospital where he worked with WW2, Korean, and Vietnam War veterans and their families. This experience catalyzed his desire to further research the science and physiology behind more all-inclusive interventions that address and reduce the deleterious effects of PTSD and stress–related symptoms surrounding trauma. Most of the conventional interventions he witnessed were not positively improving our veteran’s lives
  • After earning his MSW in ’03 he became a director at Domus, one of Connecticut’s most progressive youth focused, human services non-profits. He led their juvenile justice program called Avenues. With the help of his colleagues, he introduced practices and curriculum that incorporated a more integrated approach to educating and supporting students, families, and program staff
  • This program earned the State of Connecticut’s highest marks in youth retention and development. With this practical and clinical experience, Bill then launched an evenings and weekend counseling practice, working with youth, adults and couples
  • The basic principle underlying his work is compassionately direct: create an environment for clients to go much deeper into their feelings so that they can fully understand what these emotions are trying to teach them. The wisdom and guidance we all seek is stored within our feelings. ”Emotion is the key to and the driving force underlying every thought and action in human existence” (Robert Monroe, Far Journeys)